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Peace Update on Hurricane Helene

Peace Update Video

TE Gabe Sylvia Presentation

TE Gabe Sylvia slides from his the Continuing Education Presentation (Posted 5/13/2024)

TE Simon Stokes Presentation

Becoming a more differentiated leader

Struggling to lead

Officer Training Videos

Here is a group of short videos that seem useful for officer candidates. The videos are produced by MORE, a group that has been around a while in the PCA largely dedicated to supporting ruling elders and candidates.

Here are the video links:
  1. What Are the Biblical Principles of Church Government?  https://youtu.be/2514RkZegX0
  2. What is Presbyterian Church Government?  https://youtu.be/zJu_LdZdU-M
  3. What is the PCA?  https://youtu.be/LG6hKJzUKOk
  4. How are Ruling Elders Trained and Ordained?  https://youtu.be/8GTzJR2ISq4
  5. I am an Elder! Now What?  https://youtu.be/Jt2YrvkwK2k
  6. How Can I Become a Pastor?  https://youtu.be/_EfIsKKHXY4
  7. How Do We Handle Conflict in the Church?  https://youtu.be/eJ784DM4gQk
  8. What are Committees and Commissions?  https://youtu.be/yB11D7aK9IM
  9. How do Investigations Work?  https://youtu.be/FsZb3SEks_0
  10. What Happens Before a Trial?  https://youtu.be/0a0kPFIILFc
  11. What Happens in a Judicial Trial?  https://youtu.be/MLTGB_XlHtw
  12. What are Complaints and Appeals?  https://youtu.be/q6Y4CKGStso
  13. What is a Deacon?  https://youtu.be/XGHdAUYsRr8
  14. What Does It Mean to Be a Church Member?  https://youtu.be/dWhD0V8wPF0
  15. How Does the PCA Plant Churches?  https://youtu.be/3byD05mslgg

2020 Presbytery Clerk's Conference Video

This is a recording of the Saturday morning session of the conference - recorded with Zoom’s 'speaker view' turned on. Accordingly, you will see several different people appear as they speak and there are a couple of times people pop up because they weren't muted. The main feature is a presentation by our new PCA Stated Clerk, Dr. Bryan Chapell, on multi-generational churches. It starts a few minutes in and goes for an hour or so. It is followed by related Q&A that is also quite informative. Depending on your browser, you should be able to click on the link to view it. The total video is just over 2 hours in length.

Conference Video (580MB - 2 hours)

Collection of Creeds and Catechisms (Thanks to John Musgrave)
This is a searchable PDF that has a clickable table of contents that is set up using bookmarks.

2016 Fall Retreat Resources from Ken Meyers

Session 1 MP3

Session 2 MP3

Session 3 MP3

Political Theology Page and interviews on Mars Hill Audio and iTunes


General Resources

The Presbyterian Church in America

ByFaith Online - The Web magazine of the Presbyterian Church in America

Robert's Rules of Order - The official site, with answers to frequently asked questions

PCA Christian Education and Publications bookstore

Covenant Theological Seminary - The national seminary of the PCA

Reformed Theological Seminary

Westminster Theological Seminary

Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Ridge Haven Conference and Retreat Center - The PCA's 902-acre facility in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina

Monergism - In the stated clerk's opinion, the most useful, best-organized theological resource online